One night, probably at dawn, I quickly woke up and my heart was racing. The only things running through my mind were "the rapture is soon and many are not born again", "Jesus is returning very soon and people are not fully surrendered to the Lord". I was so scared and it kind of felt as though the rapture had happened but it obviously hadn't happened because I was still on earth but I just felt so uneasy. I am now understanding that it was the Lord burdening me with the fact that there are many lost souls. Christ is coming so soon and I don’t think we understand how soon He’s coming. We are always telling people to evangelize more and that’s great but this message is not necessarily for that. Today I want to talk to those who are living double lives, those who know the truth but are intentionally disobeying the Lord and satisfying the desires of the flesh. When rapture happens, I don’t want anyone regretting. Knowing the truth and not following it won’t be easy at the end. I’m pleading with all those who fall into the category of being lukewarm to shine your eyes. This is not a joke and now more than ever eternity seems closer than ever. Your eternal destination depends on how you live your life here.
This is not to scare but to remind you of the truth. Scripture says what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul (Mark 8:36). Stop chasing after these fleeting things and seek the King of Kings. Don’t miss the rapture, the Lord is calling His children back to Him. Like the prodigal son, it is time to turn to the Father.
And when it comes to seeking the Lord, it is not necessarily about cutting a,b, and c off but intentionally seeking His face. It is you trying to understand who God is and who He is to you.
I pray the Holy Spirit reveals to you the urgency of your eternal destination and reveals to you how precious it is to be intimate with the Lord.