Many people who call themselves Christians are still bound to the things Christ wants to set them free from. Many of us are still living mediocre lives because we are too scared to ask God to do big things. Many of us also have many doubts when it comes to the existence and supremacy of God. Many of us are also failing to live within the promises of God.
This is primarily because we don’t read His Word.
ROMANS 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
The Word of God carries power to set us free, to bring us salvation. The reason why we are told to meditate on the Word day and night ( Joshua 1:8) is because God wants us to understand and utilise this power. Everything we look for or ever need is in the Word.
The Word is also a man. The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst men. This “flesh” is Jesus. Jesus is the Word manifested. And as we all know, Jesus is the saviour of the world, Jesus is the only way to God. So to know more about this Jesus, we must read Him and He is the Word. ( more info on this in John 1).
Reading the Word also brings light. Jesus is the Word, as well as, the light of this world (John 8:12). So when we read the Word, we also receive light.
Now, light illuminates and basically brightens up a dark path. It is common knowledge that we live in a dark world because this is the territory of the devil.
When we do not read the Word or do not read it often, we receive very little light which prevents us from moving because we are in a dark place. No movement in the spiritual realm could mean a stagnant spiritual and physical life ( it just seems as though you’re stuck in life and have no purpose).
Therefore, this demonstrates that, the level of light received by us determines our progress in life.
On the other hand, the more you read the Word, the more light you receive, so the easier it is to move and conquer in this dark world. Psalm 119:105 buttresses this point beautifully of the Word of God serving as a lamp to help us move, basically. And as Apostle Joshua Selman said “ You’ll never rise past the illumination you have”.
Take reading the Word very seriously because it holds the key to your freedom and advancement in life. Do not be deceived that you can watch a sermon or worship to replace it. We have to literally eat the scriptures and retain them to memory because they contain Words from our Father which would guide us in this life.