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Writer's pictureAma Owusu-Manu

There comes a time in life where we need to sit down and evaluate everything. Life is very spiritual and being oblivious to spirituality, forces you to be the perfect prey for those who actively work in the spiritual world.

Jesus Christ is the only one who can bestow authority on a regular person to effectively withstand the attacks from the kingdom of darkness (Luke 10:19). Philippians 2:9-11 makes it very clear that Christ is highly exalted above every other name.

Those in Christ are the only ones assured of victory.

Too many people and even Christians are living defeated lives because they fail to understand their authority. You don’t understand your authority because you don’t know who Jesus Christ is.

This is a wake up call to get to know Christ more. Jesus Christ is real. He is not a historic figure. He is alive. The Word of God explicitly portrays Jesus. Find a Bible believing church that presents the biblical Jesus to you, not the fake one who just loves and doesn’t transform.

Christ is coming very soon and it’ll be a shame for you to miss the rapture due to your lack of intimacy with the Lord.

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Writer's pictureAma Owusu-Manu

Man’s self-sufficiency will always make me marvel.

It’s true that humans have evolved and managed to make life easier for themselves. Advancements in technology and better access to healthcare: life seems to be getting better for the human race.

Well, maybe not. Humans still haven’t discovered how to prevent natural disasters or how to repair the ever-depleting ozone layer. Our capabilities are capped as humans, which is why being aware of spirituality is becoming so popular.

However, people are involving themselves in the wrong side of spiritual matters and will pay the price during eternity. But that’s not the focus of my message today.


I want to remind you that humans are limited but there is an unlimited God who created us.


Apart from natural disasters and all these unfortunate occurrences, the one thing humans will never ever be able to save themselves from is death. Death is inevitable and is simply a part of the process. According to the Bible, one can die physically and spiritually (Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:1-2, Hebrews 9:27).

Physical death is a part of the natural human process and is unavoidable. Spiritual death however can be avoided.

Death can simply be defined as separation so when you die spiritually, you are separated from God and therefore fail to have communion with Him. Many are spiritually dead today and that is why they fail to see the magnificence of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In Romans 6:23, the Bible clearly states that the wages of sin is death. All humans sin so all humans must die.

On the cross, however, Jesus Christ defeated death because He overcame it and was resurrected on the third day. By believing in this and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour, you become born again (John 3:3). You must understand that you cannot be saved via any other means. Christ explicitly says He is the Way to eternal life (John 14:6).

Once you become saved, you now submit yourself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ because you have come to the realisation that without Him, you would be spiritually dead. After physical death, you will not go to hell but be in heaven with the Father.


And this is why it makes me marvel at how humans think they can really survive by themselves.

There is much more to this because there is an enemy who will only submit to the name of Jesus Christ and only those in Christ can defeat Him. But maybe we’ll leave that for another message.

I pray that the Lord will open your eyes to understand this message.

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Writer's pictureAma Owusu-Manu

Many of us have established opinions in our minds as facts. An opinion is a statement without evidence but a fact is backed up by a catalogue of evidence.

I was listening to a podcast earlier on this week and a statement was made that got me thinking. The statement was basically around the idea that many have the opinion that Christianity is ‘not cool’. In other words, if you’re fully invested in the things of the Lord, you’re doing too much. You know, it’s never that deep as they say.

First of all, people are not Christian because it’s cool. You don’t dedicate your life to Christ and vow to serve Him all the days of your life because it’s cool. It’s very much deeper than that. So whether it’s cool or not, that’s not why we do the things we do.

When you become a Christian, your entire identity is now based on the role of a Christian , who is a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything you now do stems from the fact that Jesus Christ ,who once walked on the face of this earth, died and resurrected , is your Lord and personal saviour. You have understood that your good works cannot save you and earn you a place in heaven so you have chosen to accept the sacrifice Christ paid on the cross for your sins.

When people say you’re doing too much, it honestly makes me laugh. Most people who say such are doing absolutely nothing or the bare minimum for Jesus Christ so obviously even the littlest deed will seem much to them.

Doing too much is not a term that can be used to describe any deed a Christian does in reverence for the Lord. I say this because there is nothing that man can ever do that will equate to the immerse suffering Christ endured on the cross for our salvation. It is actually impossible to do too much in God’s sight because even your human body will limit you on how much you can do.

The reason why people say others are doing too much is because they lack revelation and I pray that God will open their eyes. When you understand what Jesus Christ went through for you and I, you would want to dedicate every second of your life to pleasing Him. This was no joke! Crucifixion was no joke! He was tortured to death, He wasn’t just murdered! Open your eyes and see the expression of God’s magnificent love in this. Once you catch this revelation, you will forever want to pour out yourself for the Lord’s glory.

Lastly, to the people who think it’s never that deep or who have succumbed to that ideology, let me submit to you and remind you that it’s even deeper than you think. We don’t go around shouting this Christianity thing for fun. People’s eternal destinations are at stake. Everyday people die and are heading straight to hell because they did not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal saviour. They were not committed to Christ. This is not just an endeavour for earthly rewards my people! This is bigger than that. Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and I pray that everyone accepts Him and believes in Him and serves Him faithfully because He loves you and He died so that you don’t have to be enslaved to the devil and spend eternity in hell.

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