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a laid down life

the surrendered child

Luke 9:23
And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."

Christianity is not about conveniences, it is about sacrifice. Our love is only tested to be true when we lose something and still remain.

Sometimes, the sacrifices may seem “a lot” but this is the bare minimum we can do for someone who gave His all for us. I would rather go all out for someone who is madly in love with me than go all out for someone who pretends to love me and just waits to destroy me at the end.

If we think about it, those in the world are also going all out for Satan. They party hard, drink in abundance and do what they do to extreme levels. They go all out.

Why can’t we do the same for Christ, the very lover of our souls?

I believe we can’t do so because it is not the flesh that leads men to die for the sake of Christ or lay down their lives for His sake. The flesh would never want that. It is by the Spirit of God living in us that we are able to accomplish such.

Unfortunately, Christians are not feeding their inner man and not making the Holy Spirit comfortable. We are not going the extra mile to satisfy the Spirit but we are going the extra mile for the flesh. In the verse above, Jesus makes it clear that to follow Him, your life must be laid down and in order to do this, the inner man must be fed. Feeding the inner man consists of, but is not limited to, prayer, fellowship with the Holy Spirit and studying and meditating on the Word of God.

Dear Lord,
I want to be completely consumed by Your Spirit so that I will live the laid down life You have called me to live.


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