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the wavering Christian yet to be steady

a needed reminder!


The Lord has been telling me something lately and He has led me to share. As Christians, at times, we feel as though we are restricted or we are at a loss. The world has “so much” to offer and when you look at Christianity, it seems as though there’s nothing much. Well, that’s a lie we need to erase. Yes, coming to Christ means dying to self and allowing the Holy Spirit to have His way through you but you’re not loosing anything beneficial. If anything, you’re loosing things that will keep you in bondage and in slavery and that’s great news! You see, Christ promised us that once we fully dedicate our lives to Him, we attain life and have it in full ( John 10:10). Don’t let the devil lie to you that a life centred around Jesus is depressing or whatever. That’s a lie from the pit of hell. A life led by God is a life of power, a life of joy and peace and ultimately a life of surrender to the Father’s perfect will.

You’ll probably think I’m lying or I’m just talking but with what I’ve experienced with a life centred around Jesus Christ, I can never shut up about it, everyone needs to hear of this. We need to completely surrender to God because our God desires communion with us, He desires for us to be aware of the love He has for us.

If you see this, I just pray that the Holy Spirit ministers something to you and if you’ll love to rededicate/ dedicate your life to Jesus, confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that He died for your sins and you’ll be saved🤎🤎🤎.

You've made the right decision if Jesus is your king now :)

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