The devil has managed to make us blind ( 2 Corinthians 4:4) to the love God has for us. Some of us are completely oblivious to the love God has for us and others claim they know but they really don’t.
I know God loves us because there’s no shadow He won’t light up coming after us, lost sheep. I know He loves us because He sent Jesus to suffer for us and ,ultimately, save us! I know He loves us because He goes above and beyond to get our attention.
If you truly love God, if you sincerely love God, you’ll honour Him with everything ( 1 Corinthians 6:20) . We love Him because He first loved us ( 1 John 4:19) and when His love becomes your very reality, a flame will be set within your soul to do everything for His glory.
The saddest thing to happen to someone is if they don’t realise God’s love for them. When you know that the Lord loves and madly adores you, you’ll automatically try your HARDEST to reciprocate such love because as humans all we ever desire is love and acceptance.
The questions today are
1.Do u think God loves you?
2.Do you love God?
Despite this, some may still ask “ If God loves me, why is a, b, c or d happening to me?”
But please, remember that when Jesus isn’t the Lord of our lives, the devil is and once he’s the lord of our lives he can also influence situations ( John 10:10). God isn’t going to forcefully protect you because He’s a gentleman, He’s not going to force His supremacy and Lordship on anyone ( Joshua 24:15, Mark 8:34). Rather He desires that we commune with Him and ask for such divine protection and deliverance ( Matthew 7:7-8).
Plus, God never promised a rosy life ( John 16:33)
Hopefully at this point, by the grace of God, the Holy Spirit has started convicting you and you’re wondering “ How do I show God I love Him?”.
:through your worship, not necessarily singing songs that exalt His holy name but doing something deeper than that.
Check out next week’s post for a further elaboration of the above answer xx
God bless you!
