break out
1 Chronicles 4:10
“And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested."
In 1 Chronicles 4, we are introduced to a man named Jabez. His direct lineage is not stated nevertheless we can decipher that he was a part of the family of Judah. Remember, Christ is the Lion of Judah. In 1 Chronicles 4:9, we are informed that Jabez was more honourable than his brothers and his mother called his name Jabez “Because she bore him in pain”. Jabez understood that his name carried a negative connotation so he went to the Lord in prayer. Jabez’s name can be seen as his label or title and therefore dictates his life. His name sort of placed a limit or cap on his life, thus, his petition.
Understanding 1 Chronicles 4:10
"And Jabez called”: The Hebrew word for called in this context is 'qara' which means to cry (we meet our good friend desperation again lol).
"The God of Israel": This is Yahweh (YHWH). This was the same name God referred to Himself in Exodus 3, His encounter with Moses. Jabez understood that some form of deliverance had to take place for this title associated with pain to be erased and deemed powerless. He understood that once he consulted Yahweh, the One who delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt, whatever holds him bound to poverty and limitation would lose its hold on him.
“Oh that”: When someone says “Oh”, just know that it’s definitely a groan. His sense of desperation is felt.
“You would greatly bless me”: Jabez asks God directly to bless him, not his possession. Jabez asked God to bless him the individual because the name associated with limitation is on him, the individual, so God has to touch that.
“And enlarge my territory”: The Hebrew word used here for "territory" is synonymous to limit. Jabez asked God to break, extend, enlarge, expand his limit. Many of us are limited in this life. It seems as though there is some sort of cap on our lives. We can never seem to pass a certain level and it is like we are stuck. But today I came to inform you that there is a border-extending, limit-breaking, territory-enlarging God.
“And that Your hand would be with me”: Hand means possession. Jabez could have meant two things here. First, that the Lord’s possession will be with him meaning that his territory will now be unlimited because we serve an unlimited God. Second, hand can signify direction/guidance. Once Jabez has gained said territory, he would need the guidance of the Lord to maintain it.
“You would keep me from evil”: Evil is sin and sin is evil, simple christian fundamentals. Jabez is simply praying that he walks in holiness. Blessings should not cause you to depart ways with holiness.
“That I may not cause pain!”: The exclamation mark finishes this up beautifully. Jabez states that he does not want to live by this title anymore. He is no longer a source of pain.
After this verse, Jabez seems to leave the picture but I am sure this prayer propelled him to his destiny. Limitations will cause you to walk outside of God’s will for your life. Bear in mind, it was of no fault of Jabez that he was limited the way he was.
Now, it takes two key steps to break out. First, acknowledgement and second prayer.
Let us all sit down and reflect.
Am I not progressing in life? Am I always at a stand still in my life? Can I never go further?
If some of these questions make you go “aye, maybe” then you’ve completed the first step. The next step is to pray. Jabez approached God with some confidence and you can too, if you become born again and accept Christ as your Lord and personal saviour. With approaching God, Jabez presented his request clearly with a side of desperation. Desperation is the like the salt in your stew when it comes to prayer, it upgrades you (read previous post on desperation).
After desperately asking, Jabez asks the Lord to be with him and finally to allow him to walk in holiness.
If you need to break out, just follow our brother Jabez.
You cannot be limited as a Christian. You have been called to move mountains, you cannot be limited. You have been called to lead nations, you cannot be limited.
I sincerely pray that after you read this message, the Holy Spirit will drive you into the place of prayer so you can break out.
Talk to you later xx
“Boarder-extending, limit-breaking, territory-enlarging God”🔥
Woww! I need the God of Jabez👌🏾