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A chosen vessel

Sometimes it’s hard to fully express how you feel about God. Not enough words can express your gratitude or no dance move is energetic enough to display your love for the King, yet we still try our hardest to do something to express ourselves.

Reminiscing on how far God has brought me would literally cause me to breakdown because He has been a faithful God. Titling God as a faithful God may get some confused because they don’t understand the meaning of the title. The word loyal could be synonymous to this word “faithful”. Faithful could also be read as “ faith-full”, probably symbolising God’s faith in you leaning towards Him.


In as much as God is faithful, we must be faithful too. What is a relationship if one party is putting in all the effort. And we need to remember that God doesn’t need us yet He desires to be with us. This, alone, goes to show His great love for us; that a God so big will have His pleasure in us ( Ephesians 1:9), mere mortals created from the dust of the ground.

Most of the time, when things aren’t going our way, we start to recite the beautiful words of Ephesians 3: 20 [ Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, ] or the wonderful promise in Romans 8:28 [ And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.].

It is great to recite and proclaim scriptures but we need to notice that all these promises have some “pre-requisites”. Yes, salvation is not received by works but the scriptures state clearly “ according to the power at work within us” and “ those who love God…. Those who are called according to his purpose”. The “ power” in Ephesians 3:20 is referring to the Holy Spirit, who lives in us. Some of us are oblivious to the person of the Holy Spirit yet when this promise is not fulfilled, we blame the Lord. The Lord requires us to be faithful, meaning close to Him, desiring to be with Him as much as possible. To add on, even in Romans 8:28, the promise is for those who love God. If you do not love the Lord, you’ve not met the criteria. And sometimes we claim we love the Lord but if we truly loved God we would allow our lives to reflect that. Sometimes, it’s not easy but Jesus promised us an advocate, named the sweet Holy Spirit and He is ever ready to lead us and help us.

A prayer to receive the Holy Spirit

Dear Father,

I love you because You first loved me and sent Your only Son to die for my sins. I want to please You but honestly I find it hard to do so. In this very moment, I ask Your Spirit to come and dwell in my heart. I open up myself to You, Lord, and ask that You have Your Way in me all the days of my life. I want to be a faithful servant.

In Jesus’ name I have prayed.


Get ready for a rollercoaster ride because the Holy Spirit is the best friend you never had.

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