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Search's all about posture

the surrendered child

Posture, posture, posture!

-simply our position.

As Christians, we need to realise that our posture before the Lord determines our relationship with Him. As Christians we need to pin point the fact that our posture will determine how much of God’s power and nature will be revealed in our lives.

As Christians, our posture should be one of SURRENDER.

|Surrender, as in laying it all down

|Surrender, as in rendering yourself powerless

|Surrender, as in giving it all to another.

Yes, that surrender.


In our bodies there can only be one leader and as of now there are two options, God/ the trinity ( Galatians 2:20) and the world/the devil/the flesh. However, the thing about God is, He’s not really a fan of partnerships with someone who wants to take full control. He is the Alpha and the Omega so He needs to be in full control, that’s just how He rolls. So, as Christians, our designed or originally formatted posture is a posture of surrender. Think about it, we are all someone’s creation so does it not make sense that we surrender to the creator.

/In this posture of surrender, we allow the manifestation of God’s glory in our lives to take full effect.

/In this posture of surrender, we leave no room for the devil to come do gbas gbos ;we leave no lee ways for that the devil to come and play games in our minds.

/In this posture of surrender, we nurture our relationship with God and allow it to bloom. /Ultimately, in this posture of surrender we worship the Lord ( check out the post “ what about worship?”.

So in this moment, in this position, just surrender, lay every thing down before the Lord, ( be it burden or something you’re proud of). Lay it all down and ask the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the living God, to rush into your soul like the mighty wind He is ( Acts 2:2).

Can't wait for you to check out the next post😚

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Nana Yaa Owusu-Manu
Nana Yaa Owusu-Manu
Feb 11, 2021

Thank you so much, God bless you!❤️

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