simple thoughts....
Society has ,one way or the other, depicted an invalid view of God. They have either tagged Him as;
!a lazy person,who has no concern for the human race
!a wicked ruler, who is selfish
But I am here to tell you that is very false. I definitely won’t be able to tell you all the things He is because the Lord likes to reveal His nature as a relationship develops, but I can testify to the fact that our God wants us. God isn’t desperate for us, don’t get it twisted. But He desires us; we are His pleasure ( Ephesians 1:5). Not only does He want us but He is close to us. Listen, never let the devil tell you that God is far away from you because you’re so sinful. Now, yes, your sin separates you from God but God will still pursue you after you’ve fallen short ( Matthew 18:12-14). God is so near to us; He is literally one call away, one cry away. Jesus wants you to be saved and set free ( 1 Timothy 2:4). Jesus wants you to be redeemed and have eternal life.
Ultimately Jesus wants you to give your life to Him completely. This is where people start scratching their heads because they aren’t willing to lay it ALL down for the saviour of the world, Jesus Christ. But let me ask one thing Jesus asked me when I struggled with this “ For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" -Mark 8:36.
The answer is nothing, just in case you didn’t know. Literally everything before our very eyes will disappear and we will stand before the judgement seat and be held accountable ( 2 Corinthians 5:10).
Instead of putting all our energy into the fleeting attractions of this age, let us focus on the real deal, living a life centred around Jesus Christ.
See you next week God willing😉!