-an immovable state, the stationery phase, no progress nor regress.
*Have you ever felt stuck in your walk with Christ?
*Do you feel stuck in your pursuit of the Lord Jesus?
Some say it’s normal to fall back a little or feel stuck but I fail to believe that. I don’t agree with this ideology because man’s original habitat was the garden ( Genesis 2:8). In this garden, man had fellowship with the Father continuously, fuelling a greater relationship between the two parties. So the original plan was for God and man to commune frequently to enhance their relationship. Nothing about “ falling back” or “ being stagnant” was ever intended. These ideologies only came about because of the fall of man. Man decided to yield authority to the devil ( Genesis 3:13),allowing him to dictate our steps, if we allow him. One way he has dictated our steps is by forming this ideology.
Even if you find yourself “ stuck”, in terms of your walk with Jesus, you have another chance to run back to the loving arms of the Father ( story of the prodigal son ,Luke 15:11-32) . But the main point is that don’t be comfortable when “ stuck”.
How to change states
As most of us may probably know, when it comes to Chemistry, in order to change a substance from solid to liquid or liquid to gas, heat must be applied. This gives the particles freedom and they’re no longer “ stuck”.
It’s the same principle in our relationship with Jesus. We need some heat to break our bonds and ties to this world and its pleasures. In the same way heat grants freedom for the particles, heat frees us from numerous bondages and chains.
What is heat?
Heat ,as we know, is produced by fire. In Acts 2:3, tongues of fire appear on all those whom the Spirit of God rested upon. Thus, the Holy Spirit is the fire: the Holy Ghost produces the heat that prevents us from being stuck.
Essentially, allowing the Holy Spirit into your heart will free you, in the same way applying heat to substances allows it to change states.
But it isn’t as simple as it seems. Our hearts aren’t mere rooms with a simple door which can be easily opened or closed. Rather, the heart can be said to be a complex which houses the desires and pleasures of a person.
Now, the trick to allowing the Holy Spirit into your heart is by surrendering all. The HOLY Spirit is holy, meaning that He can only reside where His nature is evident or accepted. When our hearts are leaning towards the pleasures of the world, He cannot rest there or find comfort there because it contradicts His nature. However, when we surrender all to Jesus, we make room for the Holy Spirit to come in and rest. Also, we give Him permission to work on us and take out ( of our hearts) whatever doesn’t look like Jesus.
It’s my sincere prayer that you never feel stuck in your Christian walk in Jesus’ name.
God is a faithful God so even in your “ stuck” season, He will still reveal Himself to you, hoping that you would ask for a fresh wind to blow within your spirit. However, it’s up to you to respond to that call and receive His invitation. ( a perfect example is Peter: after denying Jesus 3 times in Luke 22:54-62, the Lord kept on reminding Peter of how they were together through the people who told Peter he was with Jesus).
Hope you enjoyed this week’s message. Can’t wait to tell you something next week!