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what about worship?

the surrendered child

We were created to worship. Man’s original habitat was the garden: the place of communion. In this place of communion, man had easy access to the Father and could effortlessly worship Him; the natural posture of man is to be at the feet of the Father, laying prostrate before Him, all under the ideology of worship. Worshipping God is surrendering to God and sacrificing oneself to Him. This is because when we surrender we acknowledge His plans to be better than ours, we acknowledge Him as the God of the universe -being able to see beyond time. When we sacrifice our bodies to the Lord, we are just returning what was already His. The Bible says we were bought at a price , the precious blood of the lamb ( 1 Corinthians 6:20).

Now that we’ve gotten a glimpse of what worship is, we need to understand how to do it. In Romans 12:1, Paul urges us to offer our bodies as a LIVING sacrifice , HOLY and PLEASING to GOD.

*Living- in Greek zaō, this means to be alive, sometimes quick. It also connotes some form of continuity, hinting at an activity of a daily sacrifice to the Lord. In order to properly and truly worship the Lord, we must be offering/surrendering our bodies to the Lord daily. To offer/surrender, simply means to go to God as broken and imperfect as we are and lay it all down before Him, trusting that through Jesus Christ, He can make you whole.

*Holy- in Greek hagios, means physically pure. We need to understand that no man can attain this holiness the Bible speaks of, apart from Jesus. None of us are holy by our own works rather we have inherited the holiness of Jesus Christ, which allows us to stand in the very presence of the Father ( 2 Timothy 1:9, Hebrews 12:14). To be holy means to be set apart, to be purified and it is only when you associate yourself with Jesus that you can inherit such holiness. When this holiness is attained, we are one step closer to truly worshipping the Father.

*Pleasing/ acceptable- in Greek euarestos, means fully agreeable. The Lord desires to do the purifying process with you so that He can take out the things that don’t look like Him and mould you into the image of Jesus Christ ( Romans 8:29). When we decide to “ purify” ourselves through stopping some habits and cutting some people off, we are not really doing what is acceptable or pleasing to the Lord because He has no say it. When we are presenting our bodies to the Lord we must ensure that the guidance of the Holy Spirit is leading us into this process of worship and not just our intellect dictating our every step.

Singing worship songs and all are still considered worship but it substantially roots from the daily sacrifice of our bodies to the Lord. Remember that when we sacrifice ourselves to the Lord daily we are giving the Lord permission to do what He has to do in us for His glory. Sometimes this may sound a bit scary because we never know the extent to which we may be purified or burnt but what always keeps me going is that He is so worthy. God is so worthy of all the praise that if we were to sacrifice every hour of the day I would do exactly that. He is so worthy of all our worship.


1 Comment

Nana Yaa Owusu-Manu
Nana Yaa Owusu-Manu
Dec 20, 2020

This post is amazing...God bless you!! When I was reading this, it reminded me of two songs I recently started listening to, and for me, these songs have been really helpful.

Worthy - Elevation Worship

Yahweh (Acoustic) - Elevation Worship

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