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where's the rest?

the surrendered child

Glad that you’re here to read this. Allow these words to minister to you because through this message God is going to stir something in your spirit.


Lately, I have been hearing and seeing a lot about how God is a deliverer and how awesome He is and all that good stuff. Now, all this is very true and we are even still being shown the greater dimensions of our God.



I wonder, where’s the rest?


People “ forget” to mention that He’s a corrector and He disciplines those He loves ( Hebrews 12:6).

We also forget Matthew 10:37-39TPT

37“Whoever loves father or mother or son or daughter more than me is not fit to be my disciple.38 And whoever comes to me must follow in my steps and be willing to share my cross and experience it as his own, or he is not worthy of me.39 Those who cling to their lives will give up true life. But those who let go of their lives for my sake and surrender it all to me will discover true life!

Sometimes we read or recite scriptures like Romans 8:28 with such a huge smile plastered on our face without fulfilling the condition to that promise. The Word says this promise is for those who love Him or "is His lover" ( TPT). We cannot “ know of” someone and love them. The only way you can love God is if you allow Him to open your eyes and reveal His love to you. And the only way this can happen is if you make room for the Holy Ghost and making room is synonymous to complete surrender.

Some of us are not walking in the promises of the Almighty because we fail to surrender. The devil has managed to lie to us that you can still serve God and not be surrendered to His ways and will. That’s being lukewarm and Jesus clearly states that if we’re in such a condition He’ll spit us out ( Revelation 3:16).


We need to allow the Holy Spirit’s conviction to put us on the right path.


It’s all about Jesus ( Romans 11:36) and God has promised us many things but we fail to walk in these promises and experience the different dimensions of God, mainly because we don’t surrender and turn our lives upside down. Some of us think we are Hannah Montana, living double lives. But unlike Hannah, this isn’t for entertainment, it’s a life or death situation, eternal suffering or eternal life.

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